Edu-Therapy™ in First Nations, Native Americans, Métis and Inuit Communities
Grief is the normal and natural human response to loss. There are over 60 life events that have the potential to create the conflicting emotions that negatively affect relationships with people both living and dead. Cumulative unresolved loss in both past and present relationships destines them to fail and often restricts our ability to participate in our own lives.
Edu-Therapy™ Grief Resolution is an easy-to-use model that reduces and eliminates the intense uncomfortable emotional responses to loss, trauma and abuse by dealing with the pain in all aspects (physical, emotional and spiritual) of the relationship.
Edu-Therapy™ Approach
We understand that every community and organization is different and yet the goals are most often similar in creating healthy communities. Pre-packaged training programs don’t work for everyone. Our client-focused Edu-Therapy™ approach allows us to tailor Grief Resolution Treatment and Training programs that are customized to deliver the results you need within various departments and community services. This ensures continuity of care throughout for both staff and their clients while maintaining the cultural memes (norms) helpful in resolution.
Our approach to each community engagement is with a long-term relationship goal in mind; a lasting, beneficial relationship with our clients as jointly we create a healthier community. We have over 30 years of hands on experience, training and supporting staff within Indigenous Health Departments, Community Health & Wellness Initiatives, Family & Children Services Divisions as well as Front-line and First Responders, and Addictions Workers, in both in-patient and out-patient services. Traditional Healers are able to easily incorporate traditional methods into the Edu-Therapy™ Program further enhancing the client and community experience . Combining key support workers from every area of health and wellness lead to more effective care and positive outcomes.
We know that in order to achieve that goal, we need to meet and exceed your expectations. We do that by spending time up front to understand the challenges your community and organization faces and the uniqueness of your organization so we can help you get healthy results.
Edu-Therapy™ Delivery Methods
One size rarely fits all, which is why we deliver the training you need in the style that suits your community or organization. Our professional staff will analyze your needs and develop training in the format that works best for you. Whether your team participates in one of our open schedule of training’s or hosts a private Edu-Therapy™ Certification Training our on-going support team continues with material updates, one on one consultation and a host of support materials.
Edu-Therapy™ Training Seminars
Edu-Therapy™ Training Workshops are taught by experts in the field using advanced adult learning techniques that encourage understanding and promotes communication and the practical application of skills. Interactive hands-on experiential training is a key component allowing participants to obtain practical experience in group and individually prior to helping community members.
Teams of Edu-Therapy™ Specialists can be actively ready to start working with individuals and groups within days of program completion.
Support of Community Leaders is key and while Chiefs, council members and active elders likely don’t require the training they are dealing with grieving people every day. As a part of many community initiatives it’s often essential that leaders’ participate. Edu-Therapy Solutions Staff will meet with community leaders for a two and a half day closed door experiential introduction to the foundations of grief resolution and show them how it can be incorporated into many aspects of community service while maintaining cultural congruence as they provide safety and enhance the recovery process.
Edu-Therapy™ Treat and Train Initiatives are one of the most aggressive approaches to providing heart helpful grief resolution training and grief resolution care to literally hundreds within a population. Individually designed, each Treat and Train program is tailored to meet the particular needs of the community. These programs effectively treat those in need within the community, while providing education, training and on-going support to caregivers, front-line workers, educators, guidance counselors, social and family service workers and health professionals within the contracting community. In turn, the participants in the training will be fully prepared to provide Edu-Therapy™ Grief Resolution services to the community at large. For further information contact us.
- Edu-Therapy™ in Treatment Centers click here
- Edu-Therapy™ Certification Training click here
For program schedules or additional program information, please fill out and submit the form below, or call us at (855) 423-9263 or email support@edutherapysolutions.com.
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