The Next Step: Heal Your Heart Workshop
The Residential School Experience has left many filled with anger, fear, resentment, a loss of trust, and feeling unsafe in their own communities. This unresolved grief disconnects our mind, body and spirit; it drains our energy, and brings conflict into many of our relationships.
In recent years, courageously, many have shared their stories and connected with others facing similar experiences. Canadians have become more aware, and governments have acknowledged what has happened. Sharing and acknowledgement may be helpful for a short time, but it doesn’t resolve the long-term pain, anger and resentment held by many.
The Next Step: Heal Your Heart is about resolution of the pain (what to do about it and how). Not only what to do about the pain caused by the event, but also resolution within the many relationships that have suffered as the result of the Residential School Experience. Unresolved pain and loss has a cumulative affect on our ability to participate in relationships and just about every aspect of our lives.
The process of resolution is easily learned and when practised lasts a lifetime, and is easily passed on to the next generation as a part of parenting and grandparenting.
The Residential School Experience has harmed many lives, including the generations of children to follow, the parents, grandparents and community elders that lost the privilege and right to educate their offspring and community members.
If you are still trying to cope with the negative effects of this experience, The Next Step – Heal Your Heart is the Workshop for you.
The Next Step program incorporates all of the components of the Edu-Therapy™ Grief Resolution Foundation Workshop with specialized components to help grievers identify and become consciously aware of what causes their grief and how to clearly identify the losses that are limiting their lives. The foundation and next step components are ideal for community workshops and life skills development.
For more information on hosting The Next Step – Heal Your Heart Workshop in your Community, please call 855-423-9263.
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