Grief Edu-Therapy™ Certification is a unique training tool designed specifically to assist all who wish to help those with broken hearts retake a productive place in the mainstream of their lives. The Edu-Therapy™ Process provides professionals and care givers with the most current, easy-to-use model that reduces and eliminates intense uncomfortable emotional responses to loss, trauma and abuse. The 4-day Training teaches the most effective process that resolves the pain caused by conflicting emotions of a meaningful loss. Death, Divorce, the end or change in a relationship, Moving, Loss of Trust Issues, Loss of Health, Job Loss – These are just a few of the 60+ life events that you face each day within your spiritual community, and the community that surrounds you. Spiritual counseling can be quite challenging when it comes to grief and loss. Often grievers experience a crisis of faith, expressing anger at God, asking why me, or questioning the Lord’s intent. In actuality, grievers are expressing a very personal sense of powerlessness. It’s not their faith that has let them down; it’s not knowing how to experience healthy grief. The Edu-Therapy™ Process successfully addresses the emotional pain of loss, but also resolves the sense of helplessness. The Edu-Therapy™ Process helps end a parishioner’s preoccupation with the loss of the material relationship so they can begin to contemplate the spiritual meaning or aspect of the loss.
Participate in the Certification Training and Learn
- Quickly access and identify conflicting emotions
- Provide concrete easy-to-use steps that decrease the disturbing emotional intensity in a loving professional manner
- Actively engage grievers and move them into the present
- Teach healthy emotional coping skills and learn self-care
Upon completion of the training, participants will have everything necessary to begin working with grievers individually, or in group formats.
- Grief Edu-Therapy™ Leader Guide
- Grief Edu-Therapy™ Leader Workbook for Groups
- Grief Edu-Therapy™ Leader Workbook for Individuals
- Grief Edu-Therapy™ Participant Workbook for Groups
- Grief Edu-Therapy™ Participant Workbook for Individuals
- License, Service & Support Agreement, with on-going support by Edu-Therapy™ Solutions facilitators and staff. Access to updates, Newsletters, Customized Posters and program aids
Program Itinerary for Unity Certification Training click here